On 8 April 2020, the Minister of Manpower (“Minister”) issued a Circular Letter Number M/4/HK.04/IV/2020 concerning the Service for the Use of Foreign Workers in regards to Prevent the Coronavirus (COVID-19) Outbreak (“Circular Letter“). The key points of this Circular Letter are as follows:
- The Minister suspends the application process for the new applicant of Foreign Workers Permits;
- The suspension as mentioned at number 1 is excluded for the use of Foreign Workers to the following requirements:
- The Foreign Worker who assigned for the National Strategic Project under the Indonesian laws and regulation; and
- The holders of residence permits located in the territory of Indonesia.
- For foreign workers who have worked and located in Indonesia, both in the short term and long term and could not return to their country due to the lock-down policy implemented in origin country, then the Permit for the Use of Foreign Workers could be extended based on the request from the Employers.
- This Circular Letter is valid until the relevant government official states that the COVID-19 pandemic ends.
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Photo by Guilherme Cunha on Unsplash