Legal Updates on Electronic Court System in Indonesia

On March 2018, the Supreme Court of the Republic of Indonesia (“Supreme Court”) has released the Supreme Court Regulation No. 3 of 2018 concerning Electronic Administration of Cases in Court (“Supreme Court Regulation No. 3/2018”) in consideration that the Article 2 paragraph (4) of the Law No. 48 of 2009 concerning the Judiciary Power which stated that the Court has to be simple, fast and cheap, therefore to keep up with the development of technology, the Court need a new case administration in court that more effective and efficient. Based on that consideration, the Supreme Court released the Supreme Court Regulation No. 3/2018 to provide a systematic information to give services to every seekers of justice which included the case administration and service. 

Furthermore, on August 2019, the Supreme Court revoked the Supreme Court Regulation No. 3/2018 and released the Supreme Court Regulation No. 1 of 2019 concerning Electronic Case Administration and Court System (“Supreme Court Regulation No. 1/2019”), because the Supreme Court Regulation No. 3/2018 needed to be revised, especially in the electronic court system.

The Supreme Court Regulation No. 1/2019 develop further the electronic court system to the stage that the case administration, payment of the court fee, submit the documents and pleadings, court proceedings, conduct hearing and judgment could be carried out electronically. For the implementation of the Supreme Court Regulation No. 1/2019, the Supreme Court made the portal which let everyone to do the civil/administrative proceedings in the District Court, Religious Court and Administrative Court.

However, the current situation, the portal is allowing everyone to do e-filling of documents including the claims/applications, power of attorneys and motions, e-payment of court fees, e-summons to the parties for the hearing section and the e-notification of judgments. For now, the Electronic Court System has not provided the media for every parties to do court proceeding electronically. Every parties still need to attend the court session in the court manual. Right now, the Supreme Court are trying to expand more of the scope of the electronic court system to the stage that allow everyone to submit legal efforts, such as appeal, cassation and extraordinary appeal level.

Furthermore, the Supreme Court issued the Head of the Supreme Court Decree No. 129/KMA/VIII/2019 concerning the Technical Guideline of the Electronic Case Administration and Court System to support the implementation of the Supreme Court Regulation No. 1/2019.

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Photo by Aditya Joshi on Unsplash

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